What is Evernote?
Evernote is highly popular online note taking organizer which works extremely well to jot something down and just send it to Evernote so you can peruse it later. Its great for archiving text notes, voice notes, images, think of it brain dump depository.
We can now use Evernote in Symbian, but not for official support, but thanks to a developer, Michael Freeman, who has created a widget for Symbian s60v5 devices.
- Version 1.01:
1. Bugfixed
2.Improved speed
- Version 1.00:
1. Provides 1 touch (or run in the background) access to Evernote online
* Add quick notes
* Search and view notes already uploaded to the service
2. Send notes with / without attachments to Evernote via e-mail.
3. Add your personalized Evernote incoming e-mail address to your contacts list with only 1 touch. As a contact, it is easier to send files and notes to Evernote from other applications on the phones.
4. Check for updates (in the About view)
Some obervations about WRT:
1. The 5800 is not powerful enough or does not have a recent enough version of webkit for its browser to properly display jQuery UI effects. Effects that are very smooth on the PC and emulator are jerky and incomplete on the actual phone. Hopefully, the new firmware rumored to be coming in October will improve the performance of the browser and JavaScript engine
2. WRT still needs a lot more work before it is a very useful toolkit
* Its APIs are still fairly limited. I wanted to use the Messaging API to send e-mails directly from the application but no such API exists yet. It only supports MMS and SMS (and even the addressing of those messages is limited).
* Users should be able to set security preferences one time for an app and not have to approve every use of an API by an application. This is a problem with some Java apps as well. Users should have the choice to setup the security preferences one time for each app. The constant request for approval (just like Vista) is very frustrating.
* The new camera API looks promising, but until the e-mail api exists it will be useless for Evernote (although other apps could work fine).
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